Operating a successful Home Remodeling Business in any community requires specialized skills, training, and knowledge in among other things, design, engineering, and construction. Being an expert on marketing your company via social media and via online review sites, therefore, may not be your primary expertise or concern. Keeping up with the review sites, however, can be crucially important. Fortunately, Easy Click Review can help.
To grow your home remodeling business you need the most visited online review sites in your industry (Yelp, Google Reviews, Angie’s list, for example) to progressively and accurately update, represent, and promote the good work of your company already does – every day. The more reviews the better. (Keep in mind, that the three-to-four top home remodeling companies in your community that are at the top of any review site page, will receive approximately 90% of all new calls and new business. Both the quality and quantity of reviews matter. In other words, if your company is not on or near the top of these lists, you are losing business.)
Yes, both the quantity and quality of your reviews absolutely help drive new business! Therefore, when your customers are happy, their good thoughts and compliments about your work need to be shared online, even if your customer does not post a review themselves. Every one of your satisfied customers should be included.

This is where ECR can help you - starting today. Using our tools, collecting positive reviews from every happy customer is not complicated. All you need to do is text or email each customer and ask them how you did. It’s that simple. Any positive review you receive will automatically go to the review site of your choice. No extra work. It’s not time-consuming or expensive.
Trust in ECR to help you use your good reputation to help grow your business. To get started today, call or click the link.